First Grade Readiness Checklist ( Listed below is a checklist of skills that are essential for social and academic growth, development, and achievement in first grade. As you look through the list, please keep in mind that young children need continued exposure to these skills in order to build a strong base of attitude, aptitude, and ability. Please review this list with your child over the summer and if necessary, discuss and review those skills that they seem to be struggling with. We look forward to working with your child next year and helping them become successful first graders. Respectfully, Mrs. Serena
Social Skills Follows rules and routines at home and in school Shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner Sustains attention to a single task over a period of time Works, plays, and shares with others Participates in group activities Respects others, their feelings, and their rights Knows how to properly dress themselves – button, zip, tie shoes, etc. Reading and Comprehension Listens with interest to stories read aloud Retells a simple story Recognizes all letters and sounds of the alphabet Distinguishes between and prints capital and lowercase letters Recognizes rhymes and rhyming patterns Makes predictions about a story based on title and pictures Identifies words and constructs meaning from text and picture clues Identifies basic sight words Distinguishes fact from fiction Identifies story elements of setting, plot, character, and conflict (who, what, where, when, why, and how) Uses personal perspectives in responding to stories (relating to characters) Begins to understand simple punctuation marks (question mark, period, etc.) Writing Reads and writes his/her own first and last name Writes familiar words Copies or writes words to convey messages Builds simple words and sentences Demonstrates left-to-right progression, and top-to-bottom progression Handles writing tools correctly
Language and Listening Understands and follows simple directions Listens to others for short periods of time w/o interrupting Participates in discussions and conversations Asks questions Speaks clearly to convey messages and requests Distinguishes between asking and telling Uses complete sentences Retells a simple story with basic elements of beginning, middle, and end Numbers, Operations & Problem Solving Skills Names and writes numerals 0-50 Understands the effects of addition and subtraction Understands the concept of numbers and quantity Identifies pairs Classifies and compares objects and symbols Solves problems by guessing and checking using manipulatives Knows how to count to 100 Knows how to add to 5 and subtract from 5 without the use of fingers or manipulatives Geometry & Measurement Becomes familiar with common tools used for measuring time and temperature Estimates and measures real quantities using non-standard units (blocks or paperclips) Understands and uses comparative words (long and short, heavy and light, etc.) Math in Action: Telling Time, Money Shows an understanding of the calendar and time Knows the days of the week and months of the year Knows the value of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and can identify each coin Social Studies Knows birthdate, address, and phone number Understands broad categories of time (past, present, and future) Knows people and events honored in commemorative holidays Recognizes American symbols (the eagle, Liberty Bell, flag, Statue of Liberty, etc.) Recognizes that people use maps, globes, and other models to identify and locate places Science Forms conclusions based on comparisons, observations, and exploration Recognizes basic patterns in weather Recognizes the concepts of conservation, recycling, and reducing pollution Understands that all living things have basic needs Distinguishes between types of environments (hot, cold, wet, dry, etc.)