Can I use PDF-XChange Editor to edit pages?
Yes - there are many features in PDF-XChange Editor that can be used to edit pages.
Please note that this article details commands that are used to edit entire pages. If you want to edit page content then see the article here.
Use the following features to edit pages in PDF-XChange Editor :
- Insert Pages is used to insert document pages into the active document. These features are detailed here.
- Extract Pages is used to extract pages from the active document. This feature is detailed here.
- Replace Pages is used to replace document pages with pages from a different document. This feature is detailed here.
- Delete Pages is used to delete document pages. This feature is detailed here.
- Crop Pages is used to crop document pages. This feature is detailed here.
- Rotate Pages is used to rotate document pages. This feature is detailed here.
- Resize Pages is used to resize document pages. This feature is detailed here.
These features are located in the Organize tab:
Additionally, please note that the Thumbnails pane can be used to edit pages. Press (Ctrl+T) to open the Thumbnails pane:
Thumbnails are a convenient method to view and manage document pages. A smaller representation of the pages of the active document are displayed in the Thumbnails pane. Please note:
- The orange box represents the current view.
- Click on page locations in thumbnails to move to the same loation in the active document.
- Click and drag pages within the thumbnails pane to reorder them in the active document.
- Press and hold Ctrl to select multiple pages for group-editing.
- Drag documents from the desktop and into the thumbanils pane in order to add them to the active document.
- Thumbnails can also be used to create page ranges. Click the first page of the desired range, then press and hold Shift and click the final page of the desired range.
- Page thumbnails for other documents can be dragged into the thumbnails pane in order to add them to the active document. Alternatively, select and copy pages within one document and paste them into the thumbnails pane of another document (or click and drag) in order to move pages between documents.
Further information about the Thumbnails pane is available here.