Designing audio power amplifiers by bob cordell pdf

Designing Audio Power Amplifiers

The second edition of Designing Audio Power Amplifiers,was published in 2019. It is available at Amazon and at the Routledge web site. The 776-page second edition comprises 36 chapters, including 5 new chapters compared to the first edition. Many of the chapters of the first edition have been substantially updated and expanded. The art and science of audio power amplifier design is covered in a way that is intended to be readable and valuable to professionals, enthusiasts and educators alike. In order to cover audio power amplifier design with depth and breadth, many foundational electrical engineering subjects are covered as well. These include circuit design, semiconductors, low-noise design, feedback compensation, SPICE simulation, switch-mode power supplies and others. Coverage of these subjects makes the book a valuable resource for electrical engineering that goes well beyond the subject of audio power amplifiers.